Hart (*signé x2*)

@Del Rey, Laura & Barbosa, Alziro



Présentation sur le site de Laura del Rey :

"There is no order. You know there is none. And it’s dense. Blue thickness laughing at your blind faith in the frame (or in the manipulation?). The landscape is not the ecological back cover of your city, it’s just a different sort of war. Another technology. The engine you do not understand, the one that makes you surrender. Violence you haven’t perpetrated. And it ignores you.

You share with mysticism your need for metaphors. You want to believe the crack defines you. You aim to worship the tectonic crack, the crack’s infancy. You have faith in the crack. You pursue the ramification and its significant. You flee the wales, the beauty, the subjective. However, the crackcontains a swinging, a distraction, some sort of dance. In the crack, there are nerves agonizing towards the horizon. There’s almost everything you are running away from. Then, you go and do that very human thing: pick a cloud and ignore everything else. Fencing the sensible. Adoring water and its reflection. Touching the cold with your fingertips so as to be able to say: « It’s real. Yes, it’s real ».

You have chosen the earth and its punitive embrace. You have chosen something that hasn’t come to be yet: the delay. Or something that hasn’t stopped coming: the wave. Those move you towards the extinction or the journey.

All sea is amniotic. In the oblivion of dreams, a question arises: is reality an open sea or a moist, dark tract where the next is to be born?

         __ Isabel Navarro, May 2015   "

Les images proposées ici proviennent du site de Laura del Rey, sauf la couverture qui provient d'un article du blog "fotolibros y algo mas" (en espagnol).

48 pages - Couverture souple

Auto-publié, 2015 (500 ex.)

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Neuf - Aucun défaut

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