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Présentation de l'éditeur :
" « In 2004, I made the book Trying to Dance, designed by Patric Leo and published by Journal. Since then, it has lived a life of its own, just as books should do.
For me, Trying to Dance is more than a book – the photographs on which it was based constitute an image universe of its own. Photography then had a liberating effect on me as a visual artist. I lived mostly in New York, but also in Värmland, Sweden, and travelled a lot in the United States and Europe. Mentally, I was in between worlds, between realities, between the urban and the rural. This was also a period when I questioned and doubted the importance and relevance of photography for me – actually. The freedom I so strongly experienced in the process of making Trying to Dance, largely answered my doubts and became a compass for my continued creativity.
To start with, I was not at all certain when Gösta Flemming at Journal, Patric Leo and Christian Caujolle, suggested going back to the Trying to Dance negatives. But when I started looking through the files – so many images, so many that were not used in Trying to Dance, and so many new combinations that hit me; it was then that I decided that we should publish Revoir.
Revoir is a completely new book, a revision, a revisit to that period between the mid-90s and the early 2000s. The book has been made in close and enjoyable collaboration with all the people that I worked with on Trying to Dance. Around two thirds of the photographs have not been published before. For the first time I have scanned the negatives, together with Ewa-Teréz Gölin, and allowed the present to guide me in the printing for Revoir.
Christian Caujolle has written a text for the book. This makes me especially happy, since he was the first to whole-heartedly embrace and recognise the photographs then, almost 17 years ago. »
-- JH Engström "
Textes en français, anglais et suédois.
244 pages - Couverture toilée rigide
Journal, 2016
Format : 22.5 x 28 cm
Neuf - Aucun défaut
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Texte de couverture :"J'ai fait ces photographies avant la fin du siècle dernier en voyageant à travers l'Europe et les Etats-Unis.Mon regard était bienveillant. Le temps qui a passé depuis, lui au moins, nous l'avons tous en commun.A l'époque j'étais étonné et je le suis toujours. JH Engström."Un road-trip donc, qui propose à la fois des images en...
La Résidence est un livre effectivement issu d'une résidence d'artiste, à Bruxelles. JH Engström y photographie la ville, la vie dans les rues, les cafés, les habitants et - en mettant en regard ces images avec des textes issus de son propre journal - raconte l'échec de cette expérience.L'artiste explique très bien ceci dans une interview pour le blog Des...
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